Apostolic Visitation Testimonials

Mother Mary Clare Millea, A.S.C.J., Apostolic Visitator for Institutes of Women Religious in the United States, recently presented an overall summary of her findings to Archbishop Joseph Tobin, C.Ss.R., Secretary of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life (CICLSAL).

It is interesting to read the testimonials on the official “Visitation” website. Here are a few samples:

It was very obvious that Mother Clare’s concerns were for the good and holiness of religious life in the United States and for the Church. Mother Clare asked questions but allowed me the opportunity to pursue responses of my interest.

My experience of sharing with Mother Clare had the qualities of the Gospel account of Mary and Elizabeth’s visitation.  We were mutually respectful of and receptive to one another and I believe the Spirit hovered over our exchange.  I continue to seek clarity on the underlying motivation for the Apostolic Visitation.  I thank Mother Clare for her warm hospitality and gracious receptivity.

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