Making It a Habit!

I always think that religious sisters are making a mistake when they do not wear a habit. To me, the distinctive dress says: Come talk to me! I love Jesus!

This vocation story is a perfect illustration. A young girl, Teresa Seaton, was pursuing her nursing studies at Kansas City Kansas Community College however “the idea of becoming a Sister wouldn’t fade.” But she did not know any sisters or even anyone who had embarked upon that sort of life

She did notice however some Servants of Mary, Ministers to the Sick, walking around the campus, not hard to miss in their distinctive habits.  They were attending school there as well. “I just asked them a question to make conversation,” she said. “They were so sweet.” Eventually she went on a discernment weekend and the rest is history. She entered the community and will receive her habit in July. (In the photo, she holding tiny shoes – the sisters tease her because her feet are very small!)

The other key component of this vocation story is her mother. Teresa comes from a family of twelve children and her mother always prayed that they would follow God’s will for their lives. She is thrilled that Teresa is becoming a spouse of Christ and hopes that she will be an example to the other children.

Check out the full vocation story here!

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