A reflection by Mother Mary Christina Murray, S.J.W.
of the Sisters of St. Joseph the Worker in Walton, KY
Many people are aware of the Apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima to Jacinta, Francisco, and Lucia. But how many realize that the children also saw St. Joseph? While apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary are generally well known, the apparition of St. Joseph is often overlooked. Scripture does not record anything that St. Joseph said, so he is said to be the “quiet” one. But sometimes actions speak louder than words. In the case of Fatima, St. Joseph’s action gives us a lot to ponder.
The three children, ages 7, 9 and 10, were tending their families’ sheep when the Blessed Virgin Mary first appeared to them on May 13, 1917. She asked the children to come back to that same spot on the 13th of every month. The sixth and final apparition of the Lady of Fatima to all three children on October 13th is when the famous miracle of the sun occurred. A massive crowd witnessed the sun spinning in the sky, changing colors and “dancing.” Then the sun seemed to fall towards the earth leading many of the witnesses to think that the world was coming to an end. But the three children did not see the miracle of the Sun, they saw something entirely different.
While the miracle of the sun was occurring, Jacinta, Francisco and Lucia saw Our Lady dressed in white with St. Joseph holding the child Jesus. St. Joseph and Jesus traced the sign of the cross with their hands blessing the earth. St. Joseph was the provider for the Holy Family at Nazareth and his appearance at Fatima is an important reminder during difficult times that St. Joseph, the protector of His family, will help our families.
It is in the family that children learn about God, learn to pray and learn to do good works. Parents, through their example, show their children what it means to live the faith. The Holy Family, especially St. Joseph, can help families to grow in their faith. During this past year when families have tried to cope with the consequences of the lockdown due to COVID, St. Joseph can be a powerful guide and spiritual support. Pope Francis declared the Year of St. Joseph 103 years after his appearance at Fatima. During this year of St. Joseph, let us all develop a deeper appreciate and dedication to our spiritual father and protector.
For more information about the Sisters of St. Joseph the Worker, please visit: SSJW.org.