Vocation Directions

One of the top ten vocation websites for 2011 as identified by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) is the site of the National Conference of Diocesan Vocation Directors.

The USCCB’s listing for this site highlights the map of the United States with easy-to-access contact information for all diocesan vocation offices. I think this excellent page provides a welcome service not only for those wanting to contact a vocation director, but also for diocesan and religious vocation directors who can compare their site with others in the field.

There are other interesting features on this site, such as an outstanding resources page with interesting items such as “Ten Things That Promote Vocations” by Fr. David Toups. In case his name sounds familiar, he was mentioned in last week’s vocation news roundup.

2 thoughts on “Vocation Directions”

  1. There were some older vocations in Los Angeles when I was in seminary there, but that was quite awhile ago. You might want to contact someone at Holy Apostles Seminary (//www.holyapostles.edu/), which at least in the past “specialized” in serving older seminarians.

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