An Undivided Heart: The Book

The online store at the Institute on Religious Life has a wonderful selection of vocation-related resources.

One such resource is An Undivided Heart: Pope John Paul II on the Deeper Realities of the Consecrated Life, by Sr. Evelyn A. Schumacher, O.S.F. An Undivided Heart illuminates Pope John Paul II’s teaching on the mystery of the consecrated life by weaving together his many exhortations, treating all the essential elements in a way that not only instructs the mind, but also inspires the heart and elevates the soul.

This 94-page book serves well as an introduction to the consecrated life for novices and those in discernment, but could also benefit religious who are seeking personal renewal. An Undivided Heart has questions for study and reflection for each of the eight chapters and a bibliography.

Cardinal Francis George of Chicago calls it, “A much-needed book in this moment of the Church’s life.”

This is just one of several such gems available through the Institute on Religious Life. Check out our online catalog today!

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