No Double Standards

While this vocation blog focuses primarily on vocations to the priesthood and religious life, I thought today I would introduce our readers to the work of Anthony Buono, who for many years has been a leader in assisting those who believe that God is calling them to the vocation of Christian marriage.

His Ave Maria Singles site has assisted countless Catholic singles in their quest to “find the right person, the right way.” The Road to Cana site helps single Catholics become “marriage material” and prepare them for meeting that one person they are praying for when God puts that person in their path.  

Anthony also has an outstanding blog called 6 Stone Jars (see John 2:6-11), which gives solid advice on Catholic dating, courtship, relationships, and marriage—all with the goal of fostering successful marriages that are permanent, faithful, and fruitful.

Surely such marriages will become the seedbed for many priestly and religious vocations in the years to come.

Anthony has an article on his blog that was picked up this week by the Catholic News Agency. It’s called “Dating with a double standard.” In very practical terms, Anthony calls readers to a deeper faith. He invites them to get off the fence and abandon themselves to Christ—not only intellectually, but also in matters of the heart, especially issues pertaining to the vocation to marriage. Such abandonment is the source of peace, and it leads to a greater personal integrity.

Check out the article yourself.  I also encourage our consecrated brothers and sisters to refer those who believe they are called to marriage to these dynamic resources.

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