Vocation Vision

I just noticed that Vision, the blog of the National Religious Vocation Conference, has graciously linked to our site.

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has especially commended Vision, also known as the Catholic Religious Vocation Network, for its innovative “Vocation Match” feature to assist the discernment process. The USCCB has also praised the site for connecting visitors to dioceses, religious communities, and retreat opportunities.

Vision has several other interesting features. One feature I really like is its “Religious life timeline,” which is downloadable here.

I think the simple name of the site is most appropriate. Men and women discerning God’s personal call in their lives are invited to “come and see” (John 1:39). We need grace-filled “vision” to see the wonderful plan God has for our lives.

One thought on “Vocation Vision”

  1. Thank you for the kind words about VISION (for which I am content editor). It’s great to see you recommending the VISION resources, such as Vocation Match and the Religious Life Timeline. Blessings on your efforts to help make religious life vocations better known. –Carol Schuck Scheiber, Publications Editor, National Religious Vocation Conference

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