Dominican Republic!

This has been a banner week for the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist.

On Monday, eighteen new novices received their religious habit and a new name. Yesterday, four sisters professed their final vows. And for good measure, seven sisters will profess their first vows on Thursday.

Later this month, the community will welcome sixteen new aspirants into the fold.

Some of you might recognize the young sister at the lower right-hand corner of the photo as my daughter, Mary Kate Suprenant. As of Monday, she is a Dominican novice, and her name is now Sr. Evangeline. God be praised!

13 thoughts on “Dominican Republic!”

  1. The love of God shines in the brilliant smiles! What a joy for your family and for the Church. God bless all of the new sisters and their families.

  2. Congratulations, Leon and family. I will keep Sr. Evangeline in my prayers as she continues to serve God in the Dominican Community andthe Church.

  3. Many blessings to you and your family! We are thrilled for all of you and especially Sr. Evangeline! We will keep her in our prayers.

  4. Is there any picture more beautiful or nourishing to the world than women in habits ? Praise God from whom all blessings flow !

  5. Praise be God! Sr. Evangeline will be in our prayers. I am having my classes pray specifically for each of our vocations from St. James by name. May God continue to bless her order.

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