You are the one.
That’s the slogan the Archdiocese of Portland’s new vocations director uses to help Catholics discern their calling, whether it’s marriage or a single lifestyle, or religious life, the diaconate or priesthood.
Father John Henderson has been leading baptized people to find their calling in his new role in the vocations office since he was assigned to the position last summer. He oversees the 52 diocesan seminarians stationed at Mount Angel Seminary, a handful of other schools, and in local churches. He also promotes vocations in the parishes, recruiting men to the priesthood.
On his “To Do” list lately has been the preparation of the Archbishop’s Retreat, “On the Priestly Vocation,” slated for Jan. 27-29, at the Our Lady of Peace Retreat House. Father Henderson assists Archbishop John Vlazny in leading this weekend retreat for men who would like a chance to reflect on the possibility of priesthood.
For the rest of this story by Clarice Keating, staff writer for the Catholic Sentinel, click here.
Rev. Father
I am SIPPY ANTONY, from India.
Born to a Catholic Traditional Family.
The Family tree connects its root up to the First Century.
I find myself as a good practicing Catholic
I hold Two Bachelors Degree and did Philosophy (Priestly studies).
I did work as a Sales Representative for a few years.
I would like to a Priest now…..
I will be grateful, if you could help me to join a Diocese or a Congregation.
If you are eager, I would like to tell you something more about myself …….
Sippy Antony
Dear Sippy Antony,
The best thing for you to do is to go to your local parish and ask your parish priest for guidance. And you should also introduce yourself to the person in charge of Vocations for your diocese. This way you can pursue your desires within the Church and see where the Lord leads you.
God bless you.