Little Brothers of St. Francis

When a community of faithful religious disbands, it is like a death in the family.

Br. James Curran, L.B.S.F. has been guiding the Little Brothers of Saint Francis for 42 years. A past recipient of the IRL’s Pro Fidelitate et Virtute award, Brother James has been a beacon of light to the poor in Boston. The Good News, he says, that he left “the multitude, the down and out, the people in the streets whom we have embraced in our works of mercy is the good news of God’s Divine Mercy.” Brother strove and succeeded in living the “Gospel without compromise.”

In his letter to his faithful supporters, Brother James says he is “still convinced that God gave us our charism as a simple response to the Gospel and will continue to call others to that forma vita (way of life) so dear to St. Francis: contemplative presence among the poorest of the poor.” May others follow in his footsteps, albeit big ones to fill.

Brother James can be reached at  Don Orione Nursing Home in East Boston, MA.

May God bless him and all those who knelt in profound adoration before the Eucharistic Lord in his little chapel before going out to serve those whom the world has forgotten.


7 thoughts on “Little Brothers of St. Francis”

  1. I too visited them once and loved their way of life. What happen to the other brothers? I am shock to fund this out Justyn do you have any other information? Please let me know

  2. I use to visit the Little Brothers. What happen to Brother Anthony? He was a very kind and sweet person. He was a very holy Francisian.He has the greatest smile. I am sorry that they had to give up their way of life in Mission Hill. I am sure the poor will miss them.

  3. I was once with them in Boston for 4 months, the brothers voted me out of the commmunity, now I am in Russia serving the Church in the poor and “the unchurch”. I love Brother James so much, that if only I will have the money, I will surely go to Boston, to see him. He is now 81 years old, I wish to see him again, at least now that he is still active and sane.

    I try to call him by skype to his direct phone in his room, just to say hello and to let him know how much he mean to me.

    From Russian with love +

    1. Br. Pat: Just saw your post. The LBSF officially disbanded in December of 2012. Br. James is the only member left but he is quite infirmed and now resides at the Don Orione Nursing Home in East Boston, MA.
      Their place in Mission Hill has been taken over by the Brotherhood of Hope. Glad you found where the Lord wants you. Peace! Justyn August 31, 2013.

      1. I also visited LBSF. I left to continue on and become an Ordained Priest. I was saddened to learn of Brother James passing. LBSF had a wonderful way of life. I miss them. Father Pat Lando

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