IRL Midwest Regional Meeting

On Saturday March 16, 2013, the Institute on Religious Life will host a Regional Meeting at the Franciscan Prayer Center in Independence, MO, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.

The theme of the day is “The Year of Faith: A Faith Professed, Celebrated, Lived & Prayed.” As our Holy Father Emeritus said, we pass through the door of faith at Baptism, which sets us on a journey that will last over our entire life, until we pass from death into enternal life. The Year  of Faith “is a summons to an authentic and renewed coversion to the Lord, the one Savior of the world.”

Featured speakers will be Fr. Thomas Nelson, O.Praem., Rev. Matthew Habiger, OSB, and Dr. Jeremy Sienkiewicz, Ph.D. Everyone – priests, religious, laity – are welcome to attend. Holy Mass will be celebrated by Most Rev. Robert W. Finn.

For more information visit our website or call (816)252-1673.

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