Sisters of Life

When bishop-elect John O’Connor visited Dachau concentration camp and “felt the intermingled ashes of Jew and Christian, rabbi, priest and minister, ” he proclaimed, “Good God, how could human beings do this to other human beings?” He vowed then to do all he could to protect all human life, especially the most vulnerable among us.

Later, as Cardinal of New York, he wondered why the efforts of the pro-life cause were not gleaning the results expected. His eyes fell upon the passage from Scripture, “This kind of demon can only be cast out by prayer and fasting.” From this epiphany moment, a new gift to the Church eventually come into being: the Sisters of Life.

If you are not on their mailing list to receive their newsletter, you are really missing out. In every issue, there are incredibly inspirational stories about young, pregnant and vulnerable expectant mothers who find that the love, caring and shelter offered by the sisters transforms their lives and leads them to Jesus.

The sisters offer pregnancy services, “holy respite” facilities for pregnant women to live with the sisters, post-abortion healing seminars, evangelization talks, seminars and assistance to the Archdiocese by staffing the Respect Life Office. For more information about their life and services, visit their website.

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