The Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration in Mishawaka, Indiana, are gearing up for the beatification of their foundress, Mother Maria Teresia of the Blessed Sacrament. Mother will be beatified on November 10, 2013, in Paderborn, Germany, the diocese where the Order was founded.
What a year it has been for the sisters! It is the 150th anniversary of their founding and they have had the largest incoming class of postulants in over 40 years! The six postulants, all from Indiana, entered the community on September 1, 2013 .
One of the young women named Anna said: “I really fell in love with our Eucharistic Lord. The Sisters’ commitment to Perpetual Adoration was one of the things that attracted me to this Community.”

Another postulant, Rachel, advises those discerning to be not afraid. “Trust that the Lord’s plans for your life are more perfect for you than you could ever make for yourself. The desires in your heart are placed there for a reason, so take a leap of faith.”
In addition, four sisters professed first vows, two professed perpetual vows and two were invested with the habit of the order. Angela is now Sister M. Regina and Patricia is now called Sister M. Joan.
If you want to see what is attracting all of these young women to this growing powerhouse of prayer and aposotolic works in NW Indiana, contact their vocation directress, Sr. M. Lois. They have a Young Adult Discernment Retreat October 25-27 and a Young Adult Come & See on January 2-5, 2014.
May you, dear Sisters, in donning the Franciscan habit be clothed also with his spirit, that as true daughters of Saint Francis, you may worthily wear his garb and thus bring joy and honor to our congregation.
– Blessed Mother Maria Theresia