Speak Lord!


The IRL has recently launched an innovative new vocation resource called Project: Speak Lord. The program consists of FREE monthly audio downloads of informative, inspiring and lively talks concerning vocational discernment and the consecrated life.

Collaborating with Lighthouse Catholic Media, the IRL’s goal is to provide young adults with solid offerings on the subject of vocations that will challenge their hearts and minds. Speakers include: Mother Teresa, Archbishop Sheen, Fr. Benedict Groeschel, Fr. Thomas Nelson, O.Praem., and Dr. Scott Hahn.

The audio downloads are sent once a month. Users must register to receive the first talk, then will receive monthly email notices of the next talk. Additional information will be sent to those enrolled in the program.

Mike Wick, our Executive Director said, “Most Catholics do not receive this type of information in religious education  classes, and might not even get it in most Catholic high schools, colleges or parish youth groups. Although there are many audio and video Catholic resources online, none of them specifically focuses on priestly and religious vocations.”

To sign up or receive more information, click here.





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