A new community of Franciscan women is forming in the Diocese of Buffalo with the support of their bishop, Most Rev. Richard Malone. Called the Marian Franciscans, they are in the process of being established as either a public or private association of the faithful.
It is exciting for us, for in the Buffalo area, the IRL has only one Affiliate Community, the Dominican Monastery of Our Lady of the Rosary. The Marian Franciscans are an active community whose mission is to serve the Church as agents of the New Evangelization. They have a three tiered approach: to serve existing entities in the Church, to minister to those who have had a crisis of the faith and to offer ongoing formation to those solid or lukewarm in their faith.
One of their hopes is to serve “as a ministry of presence to the middle class.” This is so needed! One of their potential apostolates is to have a coffee shop run by the sisters in their habits to meet and reach out to busy Americans where they are at in order to facilitate and rekindle an encounter with Christ and His Church.
Three of the foundresses came together when they discovered that individually they were discerning the same things and took it as a sign of the Holy Spirit. From 2010-2013, they lived and worked with the Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm as they continued their discernment. The fourth foundress discerned through prayer that she too felt called to join them in this apostolate.
In August of 2013, they were Consecrated to Our Lady. In additional to the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, they will be professing a fourth vow of Total Consecration to Our Lady. Members pray the rosary and Divine Mercy chaplet daily in addition to regular spiritual readings and Franciscan devotions.

They are now living in the Diocesan Retreat Center doing retreat work and other ministries. They also hold weekly open house for those discerning a vocation to the priesthood or religious life. This month, they have a fifth young woman joining them to further discern her call.
If you want additional information, please contact them directly at (603)205-6533 or write to: Nicolette Langlois, c/o Marian Franciscans, PO Box 834, Derby, NY 14047.
Please pray that they may become agents for the New Evangelization in Buffalo and beyond!
This is wonderful!! Prayers for the new community! & I wanted to add, Buffalo also has a really great Carmel along with the cloistered Dominican Nuns. I’m not sure why they’re not IRL associates. They are 100% orthodox and have plenty of new vocations, //www.carmelitenunsstjoseph.org/Buffalo.htm Their foundation in Alexandria, SD is, //religiouslife.com/profile-view?id=166
Yes, the Carmelites in Buffalo are Associate Members of the IRL but not Affiliate Members. They are a wonderful community. We will have to see about them applying for Affiliate Membership!!
Hello from Buffalo!
I am Extern Sister with the Dominican Monastery of Our Lady in Buffalo. We know these young women and we are supporting them in prayer as they begin the formation of this new Community. Believe me, they are a blessing for our Diocese!
I have talked to one of the Marian Franciscans and came away very impressed with her enthusiasm, maturity and charism hopes. Thank you for your prayers. They have certainly come a long way in a short time. Be assured for our prayers for you too, our faithful prayer warriors who do so much unseen for the good of the Church and world.