Sisters of Mary Morning Star’s New Addition Blessed

Catholic Herald photo/Kevin Wondrash

The Sisters of Mary Morning Star in the Diocese of Madison recently had their new addition, comprised of guest rooms, cells, a library and workroom, blessed by Msgr. James Bartylla, diocesan administrator.   With the addition, there is now enough room for 10 sisters to live at the convent.

For those who have grown up in Catholic parishes and schools without having seen a religious sister, the parish community where the sisters reside has been particularly blessed.  Monsignor Bartylla said thar there is a “sense of something that we didn’t know we needed, particularly, but know the blessing of it when it arrives.”  He also noted that the Church is Petrine and Marian, and with the sisters arrival, it helps to provide “fullness” to the Church.

The four main aspects of the charism of the Sisters of Mary Morning Star are prayer, fraternal charity, search for truth, and manual work. There are currently 250 sisters of the community throughout the world welcomed into 14  dioceses by bishops, with priories in Europe, the Americas, Asia, and Africa.

The second phase of the project is the building of a chapel ($400,000 or so in cost). For more information, please contact the sisters at 608-224-0251 or

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