Looking to become a Spiritual Director? Two New Opportunities!

In spiritual direction, those who seek deeper intimacy with God open their hearts to a spiritual director who travels with them on their spiritual journey. But there is a definite shortage of spiritual directors and an increasing need for them in our wounded world.  Perhaps you are discerning that God is calling you to this important ministry, so more people can know the Father’s love.

Here are two new opportunities for people wishing to become spiritual directors from two very solid organizations.

  1. Franciscan University School of Spiritual Direction

In the fall of 2019, Franciscan University of Steubenville launched a School of Spiritual Direction. The school has taken as its motto:  cor ad cor loquitur—“heart speaks to heart.”

“This is a program for those who feel called by God to give what they have, which is an interior life of contemplative prayer and love for Our Lord,” said Robert Siemens, Director of the program. “While ideally applicants should be familiar with spiritual direction and have experienced the exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, they do not necessarily need advanced academic training in theology.”

The school operates under a cohort structure both during the academic year, in which students meet once a week for 24 sessions, and during the summer, in which students meet daily for two weeks.

Classroom sessions will focus on topics that lay the foundation for spiritual direction, while a practicum focused on prayer and discussion will help students discern and act as a conduit of the Holy Spirit working in their directees’ lives.

Applications are currently being accepted for the summer 2020 and fall 2020 terms. For more information on Franciscan University’s School of Spiritual Direction, including how to enroll in either the semester or summer cohort, visit their website or email inquiries to ssd@franciscan.edu.

2. Spiritual Direction Courses at the Institute for Ministry Formation at Saint Vincent Seminary

Benedictine Fathers Thomas Acklin and Boniface Hicks will conduct two classes this summer on Spiritual Direction at Saint Vincent Seminary in Latrobe, PA. Authors of the book Spiritual Direction: A Guide for Sharing the Father’s Love, they will conduct 2 classes this summer:

  • Spiritual Direction I: Art of Accompaniment (May 18-22, 2020)
  • Spiritual Direction II: Advanced Topics in Spiritual Direction (June 22-26, 2020)

Through reading, lectures and discussions participants will learn the foundational dynamics of spiritual direction including:

The need for spiritual direction
The interior life
Listening that reveals and heals
Psychological insights
Qualities of a spiritual director, and more

The courses consist of five hours of instruction per day for five days. There will be time for private meetings with the instructors.

For more information, visit their website or email: IMF@StVincent.edu

PS. Father Acklin and Father Boniface will once again be presenting at the 2020 IRL National Meeting in Mundelein, Illinois.  Please join us from April 17-19, 2020!!


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