This beautiful icon was commissioned by the Passionist Fathers as a part of the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the year their Founder, St. Paul of the Cross, received the charism to found their Congregation.
The figures in the main part of the triptych are Jesus, experiencing His death on the Cross, with the Blessed Virgin Mary on one side and St. Paul of the Cross on the other. Saint Paul has his hand over his heart, where on the Passionist habit is depicted the beautiful “Passionist Sign” or emblem (pictured above Jesus). Below the Cross is the devil, about to experience his final defeat.
Tot he left and right are two angels carrying instruments of the Passion – the spear and the reed of hyssop. The Passionist saints on the left are St. Gemma Galgani and Bl. Isadore de Loor. On the right are St. Gabriel Possenti, with the skull, and Bl. Dominic Barberi, who played such an instrumental role in the conversion of Bl. John Henry Cardinal Newman.
For a detailed description and for more information on the Jubilee celebrations, visit the Passionist nuns’ website (
I pray to a merciful God to console you in the great trials you are presently experiencing. However, don’t stop placing them all in the Most Holy Wounds of Jesus. This will ease them for you. Also place them under the mantle of Mary’s Sorrows. She will bathe and soothe your heart with her tears. —St. Paul of the Cross