Prayers for the Holy New Martyrs of Nigeria

This note was received from Fr. Hezekias Carnazzo, Executive Director of the Institute of Catholic Culture (ICC), an IRL Affiliate Community. He asks for prayers for members of the ICC community who were killed in the terrorist attack at a Catholic Church in Nigeria on Pentecost Sunday 2022.

As members of the ICC family, and more importantly, as members of the Body of Christ, you and I have a special call to pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ, especially those in most need.

By now, I am sure you will have heard of the terrorists who broke into the Nigerian church in the middle of Pentecost Mass and shot over fifty people. Yesterday, we were further shocked and saddened to learn that some members of that parish are also members of our ICC family and students in our Bioethics course. Yesterday afternoon, we received an email from one of the parish priests asking our ICC family to gather in prayer for all those suffering from this terrible attack. He writes:

I ask for the prayers of the whole ICC community. My parish (St. Francis Catholic church, Owo, Nigeria) was attacked by terrorists yesterday during the Pentecost Sunday Mass (it’s all over social media and news channels in Nigeria). We have lost about 39 of our parishioners already and so many are still under intensive care.

Myself and the other priests are so engrossed in pastoral care for our parishioners at this emotional moment. It is devastating and saddening to see so many children and adults murdered in cold blood. The church (what is left of it) is temporarily closed as an active crime scene and the faith of the people is being tested by the horrific ramifications of the attack.

Please, take a moment right now with me and with our entire ICC family to pray together for this priest, for the people of Saint Francis parish, and for all Christians in Nigeria. Let us especially ask for the intercession of the new martyrs of St. Francis Catholic Church in Owo, Nigeria.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

O Lord God of Hosts, God of our Salvation, God who alone workest wonders: look with mercy and goodness upon thy humble servants, and in thy love for mankind hearken unto us and have mercy on us. For, behold, our enemies have gathered themselves against us to destroy us and to bring ruin to our sanctuaries.

Help us, O God our Savior, and deliver us, for the sake of the glory of thy Name, and grant that we also may say with truth, as did Moses when he spoke to the people of Israel: ‘Behold, and stand fast; and you shall see the salvation that comes from the Lord. The Lord shall fight for you.’

Yea, O Lord God, our Savior, our Strength, our Hope, and our Protection: remember not the transgressions and unrighteousness of thy people, and turn not away from us because of thine anger; but in mercy and goodness look upon thy humble servants who bow down before thy loving-kindness. Rise up to help us, and grant us victory in thy name. Grant forgiveness of sins to those who, in the mystery of thy dispensation, will lay down their lives in battle, and on the Day of thy Judgment bestow upon them crowns of incorruption. For thou art the Protection, the Victory and the Salvation of those who put their hope in thee, and to thee do we send up glory: to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Holy New Martyrs of Nigeria, pray to God for us.

Your servant in Christ,
Father Hezekias
Executive Director
Institute of Catholic Culture


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