by Mother Emily Ann Lindsey, A.S.S.P.

Something new buzzes around the property of the All Saints Sisters of the Poor. Up until three years ago, we Sisters would not have dreamed that our property would one day be home to ten beehives and thousands of bees. But that is exactly what has happened. Our Community has a long history in wildlife preservation beginning with bluebirds. Some years ago we added monarch butterflies to our efforts and so it seemed natural that honey bees would follow!
Partnering with beekeepers, we are now home to up to 13 hives. Thanks to Clem and Marty, who instructed us in Beekeeping 101, we agreed this would be a great way to help the declining honeybee population and so the partnership was formed. Now in our third year, we all know what needs to be done. The beekeepers manage the bees and the hives and when it is time to extract the honey from the screens, we know honey season has arrived. Once the honey is extracted we sterilize glass jars and caps and begin the sticky process of pouring the honey. We learned very quickly that honey has a mind of its own so you have to be on your guard.
The amount of honey we sell depends on the amount of the harvest and whatever is earned goes back into maintaining the bees and hives, purchasing equipment, bottles, jars, and the like. We sell locally under our own label, Our Lady of Walsingham, in our Convent Gift Shop on a first come first serve basis!
All Saints Sisters of the Poor
P.O. Box 3127
1501 Hilton Avenue
Catonsville, MD 21228