The Role of Angels in the Rule of St. Benedict

by Br. Daniel Sokol, OSB

St. Benedict had a vast and mystical understanding of several books of the bible, as well as a solid grounding in about thirty writings of the Fathers of the Church.  He is even to be counted as one among their number by several persons.  Quoting often from the Sacred Scriptures, he has the Lord “looking down from heaven on the sons of men to see whether any understand and seek God (Ps. 13.2); and if every day the angels assigned to us [that is our guardian angels] report our deeds to the Lord day and night, then brothers we must be vigilant every hour, or…God may observe us falling at some time into evil and so made worthless” (Ps 13:3).

Although the motive of fear may be the lowest incentive to action, it still is a valid motivator.  Our corresponding response to the above quote is to practice continuously the sterling virtue of vigilance over our thoughts, words and actions.  This vigilance brings about a certain peace because by doing this, we become closer to our Lord and Savior.  Motivated by the presence of angels, especially our own personal guardian angel, we certainly enhance our monastic vows or promises of Stability, Conversatio and Obedience, and gain many graces.

Sts. Benedict & Scholastica

In Chapter 19 on the “discipline” of Psalmody, we can become more aware of the divine presence in our daily liturgical services.  “In the presence of the Angels I will sing to You” (Ps 137:1 (RB 19:5).  Then St. Benedict adds, “Let us consider how we are to behave in the presence of God and His angels” (RB 9:7).  Unfortunately, some people are adversely affected by any words that seem to curtail their own sense of liberty.  We have all inherited some of the negative results of Original Sin.  Therefore, we need to become more and more aware of how much God loves us by sending His Son to die for our sins and His angels to protect us.  The most important step on the ladder of virtue towards our heavenly goal is being humble before God.

Thus St. Benedict advises “…if we desire to attain speedily that exaltation in heaven to which we climb by the humility of this present life, then by our ascending actions we must set up that ladder on which Jacob in a dream saw angels descending and ascending (Gen 28:12).  Without doubt, this descent and ascent can signify only that we descend by exaltation and ascend by humility” (RB 7:5-7).

How often do we thank God for our Guardian Angel?  Do we even acknowledge their presence, and that God has assigned them exclusively to our care?  God has granted us our very own angel to help us along the rugged path of life towards heaven.  Let us listen carefully to our guardian angel, and be sure to thank him for anything good (or bad, for that matter) that either challenges or rewards us.  By doing this, we become closer and closer to God.

“Angel of God my Guardian dear,
to whom God’s love directs me here;
Ever this day be at my side,
to light and guard, to rule and guide.”  Amen.

Bro.Daniel Sokol, OSB, is a monk with Prince of Peace Abbey in Oceanside, California.

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