Poor Clare First Profession in Santa Barbara

Poor Clare First Profession Made in Santa Barbara, CA

God in His generosity has granted to the Poor Clares of Santa Barbara, CA a first profession in recent months.Sister Colette made her first profession on Aug. 2, 2022, professing vows of poverty, chastity, obedience and enclosure. These vows free the heart of all obstacles so that the person will be able to experience God’s love for her in a deeper and more profound manner than before.As St. Clare encourages, “Love Him totally, who has given Himself totally for you.”The Poor Clare Constitutions state,

“Religious profession is an act of adoration of God which shows forth splendidly the Pascal mystery, impelling us to lose our life that we may find it. It draws its sacrificial strength from the sacrifice of Christ. By our religious consecration we are totally set apart for God in a personal covenant of love, surrendered with Christ through the Spirit to the eternal Father.”

The Poor Clares in Santa Barbara are a member of the Poor Clare Federation of Mary Immaculate.  The member monasteries strive to be wholly faithful to the Roman Catholic Church and to their Holy Rule, written by their foundress, St. Clare of Assisi, 800 years ago.

Member monasteries include those in Santa Barbara, Chicago, Sauk Rapids, Los Altos Hills, Barhamsville, Kokomo, Belleville, St. Louis, Rockford, Roswell, Cleveland and Alexandria.  For information about vocations, contact Mother Aimee Marie, vocationssbpcc@gmail.com, or call (805) 682–7670. Go to their website at poorclaressantabarbara.org.

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