Missionaries of the Real Presence – Contemplative Missionaries for Urban Evangelization

The Missionaries of the Real Presence are Contemplative Missionaries for Urban Evangelization. They are active-contemplatives, relying profoundly upon the contemplative life and the gifts of prayer found there, in order to go out into the streets, bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to those that need it most.

They serve in areas known for their poverty and lack of Catholic presence, bringing Christ’s Real Presence from the church to the margins. Their days are structured around the Liturgy of the Hours, Holy Mass, Adoration, silence, spiritual reading and personal reflection. In between prayer, they go out into some of the poorest and most dangerous neighborhoods, walking joyfully and praying for everyone that they meet.

“When God gives us the opportunity,” said Griffin Rain, “we pray with the individuals we greet along the way, inviting them to the church and praying for their needs by adding them into our book of intentions. Our apostolate is to be missionaries and to go where others have neglected to spread the Good News! It is not complicated, but it requires a deeply spiritual life of devotion to God and love of souls. There are many groups dedicated to social work among the poor, but few to work for the salvation of souls in these areas.”

“We walk by faith, every day, and as we walk, we have no fear, because it is not we that are working but God who is working in us,” Griffin said.  “By this way of life, we have seen the most remarkable fruits growing in the neighborhoods we serve. Many have returned to the Catholic Church and many have begun the process of joining the Catholic Church since starting our ministry. We are always praying for the people who have nobody else to pray for them. We are always speaking life into the world around us, bringing Jesus Christ from house to house and corner to corner. We go out two by two, living the call of Christ to be ‘Fishers of Men.’”

They have interesting ties to the Parish Visitors of Mary Immaculate. Griffin discovered a book of conferences, given to the community by their foundress, Servant of God Mother Mary Teresa Tallon and it resonated with him. “The first chapter was exactly what I needed at that time,” he said, and he wondered if they had a men’s community, because he felt very connected to their charism to be contemplative missionaries.  “Mary Teresa Tallon has helped us to discover our charism and move closer to the will of God and see that what we are doing is not all that new, but has been going on with the Parish Visitors for over 100 years, “he said. “In her works, she often mentions how they are to be like the Good Shepherd going out to find the lost sheep who are away from God and His Church.”

Currently the Missionaries of the Real Presence has been assigned a priest from the archbishop of Milwaukee to accompany them in their process of being established as an Association of the Faithful. They hope to one day take formal vows of poverty, chastity and obedience and the three men currently living in the community are all living as if they have already taken them.

“What we pray for most earnestly is the sanctification of our own souls,” said Griffin, “the salvation of all souls, and for God to send more workmen into the fields.”



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