Blogfest at the Vatican

Irish Dominican Father Gerard Dunne was one of the 150 bloggers from around the world invited to the meeting of bloggers at the Vatican this week. Check out the complete list of bloggers in attendance here. Good to see that Whispers in the Loggia, Catholic Mom, and the American Papist, among others, were represented.

This conference is just one further indication that the Holy See is really trying to put the new means of social communication at the service of the new evangelization.

For more coverage of the event, click here.

One thought on “Blogfest at the Vatican”

  1. Thanks for the kind mention….I really enjoyed the meeting with other bloggers. It was a worthwhile exercise for all concerned. Incidentally, I have added you to my blog list. Keep up the very good work on vocations. You do a wonderful service for all involved in vocations ministry.

    Fr Gerard OP

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