Hearts Like Thine

The Sister Servants of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus have as part of their charism the mission to spread devotion to the Sacred Heart. This picture was sent to me by one of the sisters whose congregation in 2009 opened a place of prayer in Paray-le-Monial, France, where St. Margaret Mary received the revelations of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. They hope this place of prayer will strengthen their fidelity to their charism and bring them many, holy vocations! May our hearts become more like Thine, O Lord, on this Solemnity devoted to your Sacred Heart!

Long for heaven, fly to the Lord as on wings, and never lose your peace. Cease not to work for the glory of God and the salvation of your soul until the Lord decides to say: “It is time.”

Remember that here you have no lasting city, but are awaiting another. Live then like the traveler or exile who, on returning to the fatherland, takes only what is necessary from earth.   And yet collect heavenly treasures zealously.

Through the Immaculate hands of Mary, entrust all your merits to the Heart of the Lord Jesus.

St. Joseph Sebastian Pelczar, Founder of the Sister Servants of the Most Sacred Heart  of Jesus

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