Vocations in Catholic Ireland

The news from Catholic Ireland has not been all that positive lately. Therefore, it is wonderful to see a vocations video, celebrating the Year of Consecrated Life, that highlights the men and women who have said yes to God in that country. A country that sent so many missionaries to the United States and elsewhere.

According tothe website VocationsIreland.net, in the early 1960’s, there were around 30,000 men and women religious living in 2,000 communities. By 2013, the number was 8,500 men and women religious living in 800 communities. The communities attracting vocations in recent years have been the Dominicans, the Redemptoristines (sisters), the Benedictines at Glenstal, the Little Sisters of the Poor, the Cistercians, the Franciscans, the Mercy Sisters, the Pallotines, the Passionists, the Carmelites, the Poor Clares, the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, the Sisters of St Clare, the Jesuits the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary and the Dominican Sisters.

If you are interested in any of the above communities, there is a clickable list of all the congregations in Ireland here.

One of the featured communities are the Redemptoristines featured below. God bless them all!

redemp srs

4 thoughts on “Vocations in Catholic Ireland”

  1. Anne,I am an Indian citizen i am feeling Gods call. I would like to serve out side of india. How can i get a irlend priestly vocation . Please replay to my email:sajinsimon02@gmail.com

    1. Sajin, you should explore the priesthood in India first and go to your local parish to get spiritual direction to see where God is calling you before thinking about another country. God bless you in your search for God’s will in your life.

  2. Yes we certainly need alot of prayer for Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life in Ireland. New houses need to be opened in Ireland most especially for the active religious as so many of these religious orders (mainly womens) are closing down or have already closed. The Contemplatives are doing okay but they too need more. The UK Church is ahead of us with Religious vocations despite having a smaller Catholic population. That says quite alot. Catechesis and proper study of the Faith as well as encouraging Eucharistic Adoration are needed badly in our Parishes. The social media also in Ireland needs a boost in this area also as various websites are outdated or are simply lacking enthusiasm. The Year of Consecrated Life needs to be promoted more in Parishes and mentioned more from the Pulpit as many people believe it or not did not hear anything about it (and they are daily Mass goers). So we need a lot of prayer and perhaps also more international help. God bless you.

    1. God bless you, Anne. If you see positive stories about communities in Ireland, I am happy to do a blog post on them!

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