Transalpine Redemptorists to Build Monastery in Montana

On October 7, 2020, the Feast of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, The Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer (or F.SS.R. : Filii Sanctissimi Redemptoris) was granted a canonical invitation to establish a monastery in the diocese of Great Falls – Billings, Montana. Most Rev. Michael Warfel and Fr. Michael Mary signed the papers bringing this flowering of religious life from Scotland to America.

Two months later, the community, also known as the Transalpine Redemptorists, purchased 200 acres in Forsyth, Montana, with the intention of building a future monastery there for their American foundation. The house will begin with four members of the order. The name they have given to the property is Montana Rosa Mystica. The Gospel on the day of the purchase read: Exsurgens autem Maria in diebus illis, abiit in montana cum festinatione (And Mary rising up in those days, went into the hill country with haste). “

On June 18, 2008, the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer (Transalpine Redemptorists) were received back into full communion with the See of Peter.   The F.SS.R. was founded in 1988 and erected as a Clerical Institute of Diocesan Right in 2012 in the diocese of Aberdeen in Scotland, UK, after the 2007 Motu proprio of Pope Benedict XVI.  The Order has two other monasteries: one on the island of Papa Stronsay in Scotland and the other in the diocese of Christchurch, New Zealand.

Papa Stronsay is a small island in Orkney, Scotland, and the name derives from Papey minni ( little Priests’ Island from the Old Norse).  After a 700 year absence, priests came back to Papa Stronsay and now they have a little island in rural Montana.

See the The Harvest, the diocesan newspaper for more information

6 thoughts on “Transalpine Redemptorists to Build Monastery in Montana”

  1. Wondering how you are doing ? Why haven’t we heard more from the Harvest? Loved meeting you and knowing your mission and new endeavor!

    1. Write to: Rev. Yousef Marie, F.S.S.R.
      1809 Brusett Rd, Jordan, MT 59337

      Sorry, I do not have a phone number. God bless you.

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