Pro-Family Prayer to St. Raymond Nonnatus

From: Fr. Daniel Bowen, Vocation Director, Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mercy
727-348-4060 (cell)

St. Peter (left) & St. Raymond (right)

Now that the U.S. Supreme Court has struck down the infamous Roe v. Wade abortion decision, tens of thousands of preborn babies will receive the gift of life rather than succumb to the death sentences of abortionists.

The US Supreme Court decision, which reversed the court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling, was consoling news to Christians and people of good will around the world.

It is also clear that the persevering and relentless work of pro-lifers around the country sheds light on a similar zeal for lives and souls as shown in the life of the Mercedarian founder, St. Peter Nolasco.

St. Nolasco began his work in Spain in the 1200’s to redeem the lives of Christians whose faith was in danger due to their being taken captive by Muslims. St. Peter and his companions would travel to the cities and countries held by Muslims and bargain with the captors, offering to exchange funds, or even their own lives if necessary, in exchange for Christians who sometimes chose to embrace Islam rather than die by the sword.

St. Nolasco was motivated with the zeal Our Savior Jesus Christ, following the Lord’s example of redemptive love in giving his life as a ransom for the human race. This redemptive love for souls is at the heart of the Mercedarian charism.

Pictured with padlock on his mouth that his captors used to prevent him from proclaiming the Gospel.

Another prominent saint of the Order is St. Raymond Nonnatus (Latin: Nonnatus – “not born”), often invoked by expectant mothers since he was delivered from his mother’s womb by Cesarean section. St. Raymond is the patron of the Mercedarian Novitate in the United States, of those falsely accused, of expectant mothers, of Christian family life, and of the unborn.

We encourage you to pray the “Prayer for Christian Family Life to St. Raymond Nonnatus” which laments the assaults on the family and asks St. Raymond that, through his intercession, all homes “may ever be modeled after the Holy Family of Nazareth.”

Prayer for Christian Families

Lord, Father Almighty!

The family is the most ancient institution of humanity, for it is as old as man himself. But because it is Thine own institution and the only means by which man can come into this world and develop to the greatest perfection, therefore the forces of evil are assaulting it, causing men to despise this basic unit of Christian civilization. In suicidal fury they seek to deal it a mortal blow. Let them not succeed, Lord, in their destructive designs on the Christian family.

Through the intercession of the glorious St. Raymond Nonnatus, pleader in heaven for the happiness, welfare, and peace of Christian families, we beg Thee to hear our prayers. By the merit of this great saint, our patron, grant that our homes may ever be modeled after the Holy Family of Nazareth. Let not the enemies of Christian family life triumph in their sacrilegious attacks, but rather convert them to the truth for the glory of Thy holy name. Amen.

Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mercy
Vocation Office – Mercedarian Friars
6398 Drexel Road Philadelphia, PA 19151-2510 (215) 879-0594

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