All posts by Anne Tschanz

Dominican Sisters of Mary in Texas – Expansion Plans

The Dominican Sisters of Mary Mother of the Eucharist are hoping to build a new religious house outside of Austin, Texas.  Eight sisters arrived in Texas in 2009 and are now teaching in two elementary schools and a high school.

In 2011, they purchased almost 61 acres of land, ideally located for the community to serve schools throughout Central Texas. By 2013, they completed the construction of a temporary mission convent on the site, allowing the Texas Sisters to live in community and work on-site to oversee the larger Religious House project. The sisters are currently in three cities: Buda, Austin and Georgetown, home of their future Religious House.

Sister Elizabeth Ann O’Reilly, OP, said that whenever God opens a door, “He definitely lets you know.”

“In Texas it happened so fast it seemed He was shoving us through,” she said. While they have missions in six other states, Texas will have the second priory for the education and formation of new sisters.

As foreseen in our managed growth plan, the Motherhouse in Ann Arbor is now at capacity, and it is necessary for our community to add a facility in another location in order to fully provide for the spiritual and temporal needs of our Sisters. We are moving forward with plans to build the first phase of a Priory in Texas which will house, form and educate up to 50 Sisters ready to live our Dominican vocation of preaching and teaching the Gospel of Christ across our nation.

To fund our growth, particularly the first phase of our Texas Priory, we are asking old friends and new to join us in supporting the young women who are responding with an all-embracing “yes” in service to the Church. Those who support our mission will be sharing in an effort than can only be measured by the many lives that will be changed through our work in Catholic education for years to come. We invite you to prayerfully consider helping us in this faith-filled effort for the Church in the United States by becoming a member of the Circle of Faith.

If you would like to make an donation to support this important apostolate of teaching and evangelization, please visit their website. Or consider one of their upcoming Vocational Discernment Retreats (February, April and November).

Come & See Vocation Assessment Program

Three postulants from a happy Come & See customer!

What are the best ways to attract vocations? Certainly, effective use of the internet can be one of the best ways to light the fire of a young person’s vocational call.

This is what TreeFrogClick is doing, helping communities to find vocation candidates with their Come & See Vocation Assessment Program. Not only does it peak their interest but it develops their interest over time. The program uses internet ads and a customized quiz to attract young single devout Catholics who may have a religious or consecrated vocation.

TreeFrogClick believes that their program is unique. There are three aspects of their program that differentiate it from others:

  1. First of all, the names you get are for you only; they are not shared with anyone else. These candidates have responded to ads with your name and images on them.
  2. Secondly, the ads are highly targeted. They advertise only to those within a certain age range, those who are single men or women, who are likely to be practicing Catholics, and who are from the United States. With these safeguards, you don’t get an overwhelming number of the wrong candidates.
  3. Thirdly, they work with their own proprietary target list of more than two million devout Catholics, developed over years of research. They target only those who have an interest in and the practice of the Catholic faith. Thus, their system stands out from approaches that use search ads, generic ads on Catholic websites, or printed ads.

The initial quiz probes for interests and capabilities, including a candidate’s practice of the faith, whether they have thought about consecrated life, and so on. They can also filter out those with certain personal problems.

Georgetown Visitation

The second part of the program involves an email newsletter service, in which regular newsletters are sent to these candidates to inform them of the consecrated life, and develop their interest in your specific community. These newsletters are custom-written for you.

Sr. Anne Francis Nganga, of the Georgetown Visitation Sisters is happy about the ad campaign. “It went very well and seven of them want to come back for further discernment.”

TreeFrogClick has found that it’s not enough simply to identify candidates. You have to educate  and keep your name in front of them so that when they decide to enter religious/consecrated life, your community is foremost in their minds.

The Mercedarian Sisters in Cleveland are also pleased with the results. “Kevin, of the eight girls who came to the retreat, one girl came from the recent Quiz Info. And three others came because even though they took the quiz two years ago, they kept receiving the newsletters!!! Good job, thanks!” said Sr. Jeanette, vocation director.

If you would like to find out more information about the Come & See Vocation Assessment Program, please visit their website or call 708-393-4098.

School Sisters of Christ the King to Be Elevated to an Institute of Diocesan Right

On the closing day of the Year of Mercy, November 20, 2016, Bishop James Conley announced during Mass at the Villa Regina Motherhouse of the School Sisters of Christ the King that the congregation will be raised to an Institute of Diocesan Right.  The celebration  of this joyous occasion will take place on November 26, 2017, the Solemnity of Christ the King.

What an appropriate day to celebrate this milestone in the life of the Nebraskan community for their mission is to bring about the reign of Christ through the apostolate of Catholic education. “As Brides of Christ, Daughters of the Church and Mothers of Souls, we devote ourselves to reflect His love, teach His truth and form His image in souls in the schools of the Diocese of Lincoln.”

The School Sisters were founded in 1976 by Bishop Glennon Flavin who rather than bemoaning the exodus of sisters from the classroom, founded an order of his own in the Diocese of Lincoln to carry on the teaching of the Faith into the third millennium. Through Catholic education, an apostolic laity is formed — so that Christ may reign!

“…education is based on the knowledge and truth of Jesus Christ. Without Jesus at the heart and center of our school, every educational endeavor that we embark upon will not be as effective as it needs to be. Christ must be the center of all that we do, assisting us in preparing students who will be outstanding leaders during their sojourn on earth and holy, prayerful saints once they reach heaven. -Sr. Mary Cecilia, C.K., Principal of St. Joseph School

The 30 or so sisters currently serve in 6 parish schools and assist in several others. For more information, visit:



Glory to God in Highest

And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night.  An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were afraid. But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”

 Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying,

 “Glory to God in the highest,
    and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”

Five Ways to Discern a Religious Vocation

This practical advice was written by Fr. Paul Sheller, OSB, Conception Abbey Vocation Director. To find out more about discerning religious life at Conception Abbey, visit their Monastic Vocations website or contact Fr. Paul, the Vocation Director.

  • Take time for personal prayer

Prayer is the foundation to discern your vocation and deepening your relationship with Christ. You can listen best when you remove yourself from the things that distract us and compete for our attention (cell phones, the radio, computers, traffic, and other noises) and place yourself in an environment of silence so as to listen to God. The time spent in silence may be difficult, or even uncomfortable at first, but perseverance is key. God speaks to you in the stillness of your heart. Do not be concerned with asking yourself “what should I do, or what should I be thinking,” but desire above all to be in God’s presence and allow God to be the one who acts.

  • Celebrate the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist

The Holy Spirit works powerfully when you approach the Sacrament of Reconciliation with humility and openness. Prepare for the Sacrament by making a good examination of conscience, and do not be afraid or embarrassed to confess your sins to a priest honestly.  This is an opportunity to trust more in God’s mercy than in your own sinfulness. You should get into the practice of going to confession frequently, at least once a month.

Certainly, you should be attending Mass every Sunday and on Holy Days of obligation, but it is very important for you to make an effort to attend Mass during the week when possible. Due to school and work schedules sometimes making it to daily Mass is not feasible. Whether you attend Mass during the week or not, you should take the time to prayerfully read and reflect on the Scripture readings from the day’s Mass. Christ speaks to us powerfully through the words of Sacred Scripture.

  • Find a Spiritual Director

Discerning the action of the Holy Spirit is much easier with the help of a priest or religious who can give sound spiritual guidance. Discerning your own motivations is difficult alone, and God’s action comes to light when you are able to express your intentions aloud to someone experience in the spiritual life. The spiritual director’s primary role is to listen to the movement of grace in your life. The foundation of this relationship must be in trust and honesty. Whenever you place your trust in your spiritual director, it shows humility and a sincere desire to see clearly God’s will in your life.

  • Contact the Vocation Director

Almost all monasteries and religious communities have someone appointed as the Vocation Director. The role of the Vocation Director is to help you further listen to what God is calling you, to answer your questions, and eventually discern whether or not you are being called to the community. Beginning the dialogue is important because it can help alleviate your fears and doubts. It is important to dialogue with the Vocation Director, especially since he or she is a professed religious who lives the joys and challenges of the particular way of life each and every day. Vocation Directors often ask important reflection questions that you may not have considered, which can be tremendously beneficial in your process of discernment. After talking with the Vocation Director, he or she may invite you to visit the community for a personal retreat or as part of a “Come and See” weekend experience.

  • Visit the Religious Community that Attracts You

Only so many questions can be answered on the Internet or addressed on the telephone, and at some point, you must experience firsthand the environment, encounter the community, and try the life (even if it is just for a weekend). Take the leap of faith, and do not be afraid to place your trust wholeheartedly in Christ. Before your visit, do not be weighed down with expectations of how you should feel or what you ought to experience. Simply be open and receptive to the Holy Spirit. It does not help to visit a community with an attitude that is closed off and says, “I’m just going so I can check this off of my list.” God’s grace is at work when you follow the Lord joyfully and cultivate praise and gratitude in your life.

Remember that there is no commitment or obligation when you initially explore religious life. It is a process of understanding how God is speaking to your heart. To explore your vocation is an exciting journey of faith!


In Sinu Jesu – When Heart Speaks to Heart

A new book has been issued by Angelico Press entitled: In Sinu Jesu: When Heart Speaks to Heart, The Journal of a Priest at Prayer.

Endorsed by Raymond Cardinal Burke, it chronicles the words that Our Lord and Our Lady revealed to the heart of a priest, a Benedictine monk, beginning in 2007.

In the introduction, it states that this priest was in great need of their intervention. Since he talks about a diagnosis of a serious illness, this may be part of his struggle but he also mentions that thirty years ago, when he received a call from the Lord to be “entirely Thy priest, as was Saint John…standing at the foot of the Cross,” it was a call “to which I did not know how to respond, or to which I found myself unable to respond fully.”

It is through Eucharistic Adoration that this priest has experienced  healing and strengthening. Not only did he experience a profound closeness to Jesus but he was also drawn into an intimate sharing in the life of Mary as another Saint John, at the foot of the Cross, interceding for God’s people, especially His beloved priests.

This remarkable book documents many aspects of the spiritual life: loving and being loved by God, the mystery of the Mass, Eucharistic Adoration and its power, trustful surrender, the homage of silence, priestly identity and apostolic fruitfulness.

With an imprimatur, this book has already had a profound impact on those who have read it.  At 300+ pages, it is fruitful meditative reading for a long winter retreat!


Father Hardon Memorial Mass

The annual Father Hardon Memorial Mass will once again take place on Friday, December 30, 2016, at 7:00 PM at Assumption Grotto Church in Detroit, Michigan.

It will be a Tridentine Mass commemorating the 16th anniversary of the death of the Servant of God, Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J., founder of the IRL.

If you would like additional information, please contact the Martian Catechists at (608)-782-0011.

Fr. Engelmar Unzeitig: Model for the Re-Evangelization of the Western World

Icon written by Lewis Williams, OFS
Icon written by Lewis Williams, OFS

Bl. Engelmar Unzeitig, a Mariannhill Missionary priest, was beatified in Germany on September 24, 2016. Known as the “Angel of Dachau,” Father Engelmar died of typhoid fever, contracted while caring for the sick in the infamous Nazi concentration camp.

In the beatification homily, the bishop of Wurzburg, Germany, said that Father Engelmar loyally embodied the Mariannhill motto: If no one will go, I will.” He volunteered to care for those with typhoid fever in the concentration camp, thereby sentencing himself to death. He learned Russian so he could teach the young Russian prisoners, sharing his food with them even though he himself had meager rations.

Three exemplary qualities of Father Engelmar emerge that are pertinent for us today, said the bishop:

The Mariannhill family of priests, brothers, students and CMM associates celebrate in Zambia.
The Mariannhill family of priests, brothers, students and CMM associates celebrate in Zambia.
  • However desperate our own situation may be, we still can give witness to the reality of Heaven.
  • As Father Engelmar kept his promise of readiness, made at ordination, how serious are we about the Gospel message even when we have to suffer because of it?
  • Father joined the Mariannhill Missionaries to be a missionary in a far-off land. When circumstances changed, he realized that even “in this Godforsaken camp, where evil rules and we could easily believe that in our suffering that we are deserted by God and the world,” he could still live his missionary vocation.

With the re-evangelization of Western Civilization as the challenge before us, let us keep Fr. Engelmar as our inspiration and intercessor so that we too may “live our faith authentically, humbly and thereby effectively.”