Franciscan Sisters and Cistercian Nuns Offer Lenten Discernment of Spirits Retreat – March 14th

What a marvelous idea –  to have two religious communities host a Come & See Retreat. The Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity and Cistercian Nuns are offering a silent Discernment of Spirits Retreat on March 14, 2020.  You can experience both active and cloistered  religious life at one event.

Franciscan Sister Jacqueline Spaniola, OSF, leads the retreat day.  St. Ignatius’ inspired and practical discernment process will be introduced and reflective time provided to pray through the material.

The Sisters and the Nuns will be available for conversation and questions about their active and contemplative religious life. Join them for the tranquility of Valley of Our Lady Monastery near Prairie du Sac, WI.

For more information or to register, please click here. Call or text Sister Julie Ann at 920-323-9632.


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