Bold Undertaking

Check out this entertaining article about some Benedictine monks who, to make ends meets in post-Katrina Louisiana, have gone into the business of using downed trees to manufacture simple, inexpensive caskets.

Some monks make brandy, others make coffee. Every religious community has to support itself somehow.

What makes the story interesting is that their new business led to the monks’ being threatened with jail time because of regulations that serve to protect a powerful industry cartel. So far, the monks have prevailed in the courts, but not without a fight. Read about it here.

Adoration and Reparation

As time permits, Dom Mark Daniel Kirby is translating into English some of the writings of Mother Mectilde du Saint-Sacrement (1614-98), the foundress of the Benedictines of the Perpetual Adoration of the Most Holy Sacrament.

In this recent post at Vultus Christi, he published a little more than half of the Preface to the Constitutions of her Institute. After each section he adds, in italics, a little commentary of his own.

I hope you enjoy Mother’s spiritual insights and Fr. Mark’s commentary.

Dominican Republic!

This has been a banner week for the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist.

On Monday, eighteen new novices received their religious habit and a new name. Yesterday, four sisters professed their final vows. And for good measure, seven sisters will profess their first vows on Thursday.

Later this month, the community will welcome sixteen new aspirants into the fold.

Some of you might recognize the young sister at the lower right-hand corner of the photo as my daughter, Mary Kate Suprenant. As of Monday, she is a Dominican novice, and her name is now Sr. Evangeline. God be praised!

Finding God in Housework?

I recently came across an engaging article at Catholic Lane entitled “Finding God in the Housework.” The article brings to life the point that everything we do in the course of the day, even the most menial or insignificant in the world’s eyes, can be packed with meaning so long as we strive to offer it with a loving heart to Jesus.

A vocation is not simply about wearing a collar, a habit, or a wedding ring. Rather, it’s about seeking and following Our Lord, even while doing the dishes. The saints understood this very well. What matters is what’s important in Jesus’ eyes–something even the wise and learned miss can miss if they’re not careful!

Renewal in the Spirit

Let’s once again unite our prayers this month with those of Pope Benedict XVI. Here are the Holy Father’s intentions for August 2011, as published by the Apostleship of Prayer:

  • World Youth Day.  That World Youth Day in Madrid may encourage young people throughout the world to have their lives rooted and built up in Christ. 
  • Western Christians.  That Western Christians may be open to the action of the Holy Spirit and rediscover the freshness and enthusiasm of their faith. 

The intentions this month beckon us to pray for a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Church, and in particular upon our youth. Like past World Youth Days, may this year’s WYD draw many young people to a deep, vibrant love for Christ and His Church.

Martha, Martha

As Catholics, we try to balance in our lives of faith the active Martha and the contemplative Mary. Sometimes in the process Martha gets a bad rap. She’s anxious and worried about many things (Luke 10:41), so at times we might picture her as a frantic busybody flitting about, doing 101 things, while the serene Mary sits at the feet of Jesus.

But today is the feast of Saint Martha. She is a full-fledged saint, with all the rights and privileges that go with it!  While activism without prayer can quickly turn into mere workaholism; prayer without active apostolate also lacks authenticity. 

At this exciting time in the Church, priests, religious, and laity are called to roll up our sleeves and actively participate in the great work of the new evangelization. There’s plenty to do to keep all of us Martha’s busy.

May we imitate the faith of St. Martha, who said, “I have come to believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God” (John 11:27). And, like St. Martha, may we express this faith in active works of charity.

As we do so, we must keep in mind the clear teaching of Scripture. Our Lord said that Mary chose the better part, the one necessary thing (Luke 10:42). Our Lord is truly present at every Mass and in every tabernacle throughout the world. If we truly desire to be saints, to become the holy men and women God calls us to be, we do well–frequently and with much love and devotion–to return to the Source: Jesus, Our Eucharistic Lord.

I think St. Martha would wholeheartedly agree.

Facebook Monk

In a recent Alaska Dispatch article entitled, “Messaging Catholic monk keeps it real on Facebook,” we learn about the evangelization efforts of Brother John Mary Ignatius, a member of the Belgium-based Community of St. John.

Inspired by Pope Benedict’s exhortation to use the new means of social communication to advance the Gospel, Brother Ignatius reaches thousands of people, mostly youth, through his Facebook page. His approach is authentic and inviting, and his vibrant message is one of joy and hope, which draws young people to Christ.

More for Your Vocation

Last week at Rome Reports there was an intriguing video highlighting the vocation efforts of the United States bishops, especially a new series of videos at the Bishops’ For Your Vocation website.

I just visited the For Your Vocation website, and on this occasion I visited their blog and several other pages. What struck my attention this time (I hadn’t noticed it previously) was this vocations quiz–a series of questions to help young people go deeper in their discernment. And of course the site provides information on the upcoming vocations fair at World Youth Day, including the schedule of events.

Worthy of Life

From the current issue of the Brookings (SD) Register, check out the story of Sr. Janice Iverson, who this month celebrates her 50-year jubilee as a Benedictine sister. Hers has been a full life of service to Christ and His Church.

What my sons found especially interesting, though, were her athletic exploits, and to this day she still rides her bike in the morning and spends an hour on the treadmill in the evening.

Not unlike St. Paul, she summarizes her many years of Christian discipleship in athletic terms: “For every beginning there is an end. I have entered the race and finished. I live that I may be worthy of life.”

U.S. Bishops to Hold Vocations Fair at WYD

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) will host its first-ever Vocation Fair at a World Youth Day (WYD) on Wednesday, August 17. St. Francis Borgia Parish in Madrid will host the event. 

“This is a tremendous opportunity to invite our youth to open their hearts to Christ and respond to his call to the priesthood and the consecrated life,” said Archbishop Robert Carlson of St. Louis, Missouri, chairman of the Bishops’ Committee on Clergy, Consecrated Life, and Vocations. 

Recent surveys of the newly ordained and those making their final religious profession indicate that at least 20 percent of them participated in a WYD one time or another. Continue reading U.S. Bishops to Hold Vocations Fair at WYD